The Paid Internship Program is an opportunity for employers to provide “career exploration” environments for intellectual/developmentally disabled adults
Return On Investment
Goodwill of Silicon Valley Provides:
- Up To 1,040 Wage hours
- 3rd party Financial Management Service (FMS) is the Employer of Record, responsible for the paperwork and payments to the intern
- On-boarding and additional Job Coaching (as needed), to relieves staff of mentoring
- No-cost consultation and Technical Assistance to support the employer in hiring of people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
- A pool of motivated Individuals who bring Innovation to the workplace
- Internship must be a real position in an integrated setting (i.e. Not a special environment)
- Internship Goals: a.) Employment or b.) Development of skills leading to future employment
- Earnings must be at least minimum wage and similar to what others earn in the same position; interns must have identical opportunities for advancement as others in the same position
- Employer is encouraged to keep records but is supported by the Financial Management Service who administers the program and record-keeping
- Employer provides Job Description and overall supervision of the intern and may request additional support from the Goodwill job-coaches