Paid Internship Program - Employers

The Paid Internship Program is an opportunity for employers to provide “career exploration” environments for intellectual/developmentally disabled adults

Return On Investment

Goodwill of Silicon Valley Provides:
  1. Up To 1,040 Wage hours
  2. 3rd party Financial Management Service (FMS) is the Employer of Record, responsible for the paperwork and payments to the intern
  3. On-boarding and additional Job Coaching (as needed), to relieves staff of mentoring
  4. No-cost consultation and Technical Assistance to support the employer in hiring of people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
  5. A pool of motivated Individuals who bring Innovation to the workplace


  1. Internship must be a real position in an integrated setting (i.e. Not a special environment)
  2. Internship Goals: a.) Employment or b.) Development of skills leading to future employment
  3. Earnings must be at least minimum wage and similar to what others earn in the same position; interns must have identical opportunities for advancement as others in the same position
  4. Employer is encouraged to keep records but is supported by the Financial Management Service who administers the program and record-keeping
  5. Employer provides Job Description and overall supervision of the intern and may request additional support from the Goodwill job-coaches
Job Placement Expandability
impact meet the team employment services

11 Great Reasons to Hire Developmentally Disabled Employees

  1. They win over employers’ and customers’ hearts.
  2. They have a positive impact on productivity and profitability.
  3. They have staying power and do not job-hop.
  4. They want to succeed and are committed to their work and employer.
  5. They rate higher on fewer sick days and consistent punctuality than co-workers.
  6. They continually meet or exceed the performance of their peers, increasing profitability.
  7. Their work performance improves steadily over time.
  8. They truly love their jobs and embrace the opportunity to help the company grow.
  9. They inspire others by creating camaraderie and a positive effect on staff.
  10. They inspire ”a change for the better” as fellow employers are inspired to hire them as
    they witness what great assets they are.
  11. Customers love them! (The Illinois Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
    revealed that 93% of customers said they prefer to purchase from a company that
    employs individuals with disabilities.) INC, By Peter Economy 2015

Contact: Karin Weber, M.Ed.
M.A. Employment Development Coordinator
(408) 869-9126

All Rights Reserved, Expandability 2022.

Goodwill of Silicon Valley
1080 North 7th St. San Jose, CA, 95112

Ivon Perez
Manager of Expandability Programs
(408) 869-9267​